How Professional Movers Keep Your Belongings Safe

Are you wondering if you need professional movers to get your belongings to your new place? They do much more than the heavy lifting; they'll also keep your belongings safe. Here is how movers will ensure that your things do not get damaged in transit.


There is a lot of preparation that needs to go into moving your belongings, especially the bigger items. A moving company is going to bring all the moving supplies that the movers will need to get the job done. The movers will wrap large furniture in plastic wrap so that the surface cannot be damaged by accident when moving things through hallways and doorways. Furniture pads will be placed over items for additional protection. The movers can even put corner protectors on tables and other large items so that they don't get bumped in transit. Packing items properly is a great service that many moving companies offer.

Truck Loading

A lot of thought goes into how to load a moving truck to ensure that things do not shift around and break. The movers will start by putting the most delicate items in the cab that hangs over the front of the truck, which is sometimes referred to as the attic. The heaviest items will be placed at the back of the truck and secured in place. These are things like washing machines, freezers, and other large appliances. This guarantees that if the truck makes a sudden stop, the heavy items will not crush the softer items. 

Other large furniture is secured along the side of the moving truck so that it won't move at all, and the boxes will go in the middle. The largest and heaviest boxes go on the bottom with the light boxes on top, to ensure that the weight of heavy boxes does not crush what is beneath them.


Moving companies are also able to offer you insurance to help ensure that anything that is damaged will be replaced. This is not something that you can get when moving on your own, since it must be offered by a professional moving company. The insurance will either help pay to replace or repair any items that are damaged during the move. For example, if you had a lamp that broke, you would be given the value of how much it costs to replace the damaged item with a new one that is similar. 
